Easy Origami Dog Instructions for Kids

Dog origami final step
Difficulty: Easy
Follow these easy, step-by-step origami dog instructions and pictures to learn how to fold your very own dog.

Kids will have lots of fun making this simple origami dog. It’s easy to fold and fun to draw the face on when you’re done. Just follow the instructions and pictures and you’ll have your very own easy origami dog!

Step 1
Dog origami step 01
Start with a square piece of origami paper. I am using an 7×7 inches origami paper.

If you only have regular paper, follow these instructions on how to make a square origami paper.

Step 2
Dog origami step 02
Face the lighter side upwards and move the paper diagonally.

Step 3
Dog origami step 03
Fold paper in half by folding the top corner to the bottom corner.

Step 4
Dog origami step 04
Fold the triangle in half by folding the left corner to the right corner.

Step 5
Dog origami step 05

Step 6
Dog origami step 06
Fold the right corner of the triangle down at an angle like you see in the picture.

Step 7
Dog origami step 07
Repeat the previous step on left side too.

Step 8
Dog origami step 08
Turn the figure over.

Step 9
Dog origami step 09
The head’s too pointy! Fold the top corner to the front.

Step 10
Dog origami step 10
Unless you want a pointy chin, fold the bottom corner too.

Step 11
Dog origami step 11
Turn the figure over.

Step 12
Dog origami final step
Give your dog a face by drawing the eyes and nose!

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2 responses to “Easy Origami Dog Instructions for Kids”

  1. This is so easy and brings joy to someones day

  2. Está muuuuuuuy fácil

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