Very Easy Origami Fox Head

Origami fox final step
Difficulty: Easy
Follow the simple step-by-step instructions with pictures to learn how to make an easy origami fox head.

This origami fox model is so easy that even very young kids can fold it. They’ll have a lot of fun making their own fox and drawing in its face. Just follow these step-by-step photos to learn how to make it.

Step 1
Origami fox step 01
Start with a square piece of origami paper. I am using an 7×7 inches origami paper.

If you only have regular paper, follow these instructions on how to make a square origami paper.

Step 2
Origami fox step 02
Rotate the paper diagonally as shown.

Step 3
Origami fox step 03
Fold paper in half by folding the top corner to the bottom corner.

Step 4
Origami fox step 04
Fold in half again by folding left corner to right corner.

Step 5
Origami fox step 05

Step 6
Origami fox step 06
Fold the left triangle edge toward the center, but not all the way to the center.

Step 7
Origami fox step 07
Fold the right triangle edge toward the center, but not all the way to the center.

Step 8
Origami fox step 08
Turn the figure over.

Step 9
Origami fox final step
Draw the face and you just made yourself a cute paper fox!


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