Easy Origami Paper Frog That Jumps Instructions

Easy origami frog ready
Difficulty: Easy
Follow the steps below to make this Easy Origami Frog.

This origami frog is not only easy to make, but it also jumps. Kids will have a blast making and playing with it. All you need to start making one is a regular rectangle piece of paper. That means any 8.5×11 copy or even binder paper is fine.

If you had fun making this easy origami frog and want to try making a nicer, but more difficult one, try out this origami jumping frog.

Step 1
Easy frog origami step 1
Start with a rectangular origami paper or a piece of regular paper. An 8.5×11 paper is fine.

Step 2
Easy frog origami step 2
Fold the top left corner to the right side, making the top right corner as pointy as possible.

Step 3
Easy frog origami step 3
Unfold. You should now have a crease line where the dotted line goes.

Step 4
Easy frog origami step 4
Fold the top right corner to the left side, making the top left corner as pointy as possible.

Step 5
Easy frog origami step 5

Step 6
Easy frog origami step 6
Fold back the top from where the “X” creases meet.

Step 7
Easy frog origami step 7
Unfold the top. You now have three creases.

Step 8
Easy frog origami step 8
Bring the creases together to form a triangle at the top.

Step 9
Easy frog origami step 9
Fold the left and right corner of the triangle to the top of the triangle.

Step 10
Easy frog origami step 10
Fold the sides to the center.

Step 11
Easy frog origami step 11
Fold the bottom corners to the corners of the “diamond” on the top.

Step 12
Easy frog origami step 12
Fold the bottom rectangle in half (from the top to the bottom).

Step 13
Easy frog origami step 13
Turn the frog over. Fold the front legs downward a little bit.

Step 14
Easy origami frog ready
Add some eyeballs. Press down on the edge of the back to make it jump!

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5 responses to “Easy Origami Paper Frog That Jumps Instructions”

  1. wwwww it actually works

  2. Sir Bobby III Avatar
    Sir Bobby III

    Very good tutorial it worked perfectly

  3. It’s so good!
    It actually works:)

  4. I made it and it worked out perfectly.

  5. Its very cool and it works!

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