How to Make an Origami Paper Fortune Teller

Fortune teller final step
Difficulty: Easy
Learn how to create an Origami paper fortune teller with our simple instructions—perfect for a fun and nostalgic game!

The paper fortune teller, sometimes called a cootie catcher, is an origami toy that children absolutely love to play with. It’s very easy to make and children can use their imagination to think of what fortunes to write.

Eight flaps on the inside of the fortune teller, each hiding a message, are labeled with colors or numbers to offer possibilities for a player to choose from. Based on the player’s decisions, the person operating the fortune teller manipulates the origami until one of the concealed messages is ultimately exposed. These messages might be tasks that the player needs to complete or they could pretend to be answers (thus the name).

There are various ways to use the fortune teller. The fortune teller holds the four corners of the paper with the index fingers and thumbs on both hands, keeping two pairs of corners together and the other two pairs apart so that only half of the internal sides of the corners are visible.

How to Play a Game Using an Origami Paper Fortune Teller?

Here’s how to play. Ask a friend to pick a number from 1 to 10. Then, open and close the fortune teller while counting to and stopping at the chosen number. Then, ask your friend to pick a color. After a color is picked, open the flap containing that color and read the prewritten fortune to him or her.

There are several comparable techniques used to do manipulations. Another way to play. The player will typically ask the person holding the fortune teller a question, and the device will respond with the appropriate prediction. A number or color is then requested by the bearer.

The holder switches between the two sets of colors and numbers inside the fortune teller using their fingers once the number or color has been selected. According to the number of letters in the color chosen, the number initially selected, or the sum of the two, the holder changes these spots a certain number of times.

The player selects one of the flaps that has been disclosed once the holder has done shifting the fortune teller’s places. There are frequent colors or numbers on these flaps. The fortune is then seen when the person lifts the flap. The users may choose to repeat steps as necessary.

Step 1
Fortune teller step 01
Start with a square sheet of origami paper. I am using an 7×7 inches origami paper.

If you only have regular paper, follow these instructions on how to make a square origami paper.

Step 2
Fortune teller step 02
Fold the paper in half by folding the bottom left corner to the upper right corner.

Step 3
Fortune teller step 03

Step 4
Fortune teller step 04
Fold the paper in half again by folding the bottom right corner to the top left corner.

Step 5
Fortune teller step 05

Step 6
Fortune teller step 06
Fold the paper in half by folding the top edge to the bottom edge.

Step 7
Fortune teller step 07

Step 8
Fortune teller step 08
Fold the paper in half again by folding the left edge to the right edge.

Step 9
Fortune teller step 09

Step 10
Fortune teller step 10
Fold the bottom right corner to the center.

Step 11
Fortune teller step 11
Fold the remaining three edges too.

Step 121
Fortune teller step 12
Flip over the model.

Step 13
Fortune teller step 13
Once again, fold the bottom right corner to the center.

Step 14
Fortune teller step 14
Fold the remaining three edges to the center. Write a fortune underneath each flap.

Step 15
Fortune teller step 15
Flip over the model.

Step 16
Fortune teller step 16
Fold the paper in half again by folding the left edge to the right edge.

Step 17
Fortune teller step 17

Step 18
Fortune teller step 18
Fold the paper in half again by folding the top edge to the bottom edge.

Step 19
Fortune teller step 19
Tuck your thumbs and forefingers in the four openings below.

Step 20
Fortune teller step 20
Move the flaps towards the center.

Step 21
Fortune teller step 21
Now you’re ready to play with the paper fortune teller.

Step 22
Fortune teller step 22
You can add colors to the top too.

Step 23
Fortune teller final step
Now you’re ready to play with the paper fortune teller.

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One response to “How to Make an Origami Paper Fortune Teller”

  1. Following the steps you can do it with my cousin

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