Origami Crown Instructions

Origami Crown Instructions
To be or not to be king or queen? Even if we have never met them and only seen them in movies or cartoons, kings and queens do exist! You can be like them, even with a paper crown made using the origami technique. We will teach you in a few steps to create an origami crown and you will feel like a leader of the world for a few moments!Difficulty: Easy

Fond of watching Disney Movies with prince and king characters? Wanna experience wearing a crown? Oh sure do, you are gonna love this idea we have here! To have your own props on your fantasy games and plays as king, create a origami crown with these easy steps. All hail to the king!

How to Make an Origami Crown?

origami crown instructions step 1origami crown instructions step 1.1 Step 1: Cut 9 pieces of 4x4 size pieces of paper.
origami crown instructions step 2origami crown instructions step 2.1 Step 2: Start with the first piece. Fold from left half to the right then unfold.
origami crown instructions step 3origami crown instructions step 3.1 Step 3: Rotate the paper, fold the left and right corner to the center.
origami crown instructions step 4 Step 4: Fold the bottom flap upward.
origami crown instructions step 5 Step 5: Do the same thing to the rest of the remaining pieces.
origami crown instructions step 6 Step 6: Insert all pieces together in between the bottom flap.
origami crown instructions step 7 Step 7: Fold all the bottom flaps together to have a firmer ground.
origami crown instructions step 8 Step 8: Connect the last bottom edge flap of the piece to the first flap.
origami crown instructions step 9origami crown instructions Step 9: Check if everything is in place and now you have your Origami Crown!