Origami Jester Hat

Origami Jester Hat InstructionsHave you ever been to a circus before? Or have you seen in movies a clown in the circus wearing a hat? Mostly they are called clowns, but oftentimes as well they are called jokers. This day, we are going to create their colorful hats! Their colorful hats bring color to their performance and happiness to kids as well. Bring in some colors!
Difficulty: Easy

How to Make an Origami Jester Hat?

origami jester hat instructions step 1 Step 1: Start with a piece of long rectangular paper with the size of 6cm x 60cm.
origami jester hat instructions step 2origami jester hat instructions step 2.1origami jester hat instructions step 2.2origami jester hat instructions step 2.3origami jester hat instructions step 2.4 Step 2: Cut and paste designs for this one. You can use any shape to design the base of your hat.
origami jester hat instructions step 3 Step 3: Cut 10 pieces or triangle paper with the size of 20cm x 6cm.
origami jester hat instructions step 4origami jester hat instructions step 4.1origami jester hat instructions step 4.2origami jester hat instructions step 4.3origami jester hat instructions step 4.4 Step 4: Cut circles of paper then paste it at the tip point of the triangle.
origami jester hat instructions step 5origami jester hat instructions step 5.1origami jester hat instructions step 5.2 Step 5: Paste the triangle papers to the base of your hat.
origami jester hat instructions step 6origami jester hat instructions step 6.1 Step 6: Glue the edges of your hat.
origami jester hat instructions step 7origami jester hat instructions step 7.1origami jester hat instructions step 7.2 Step 7: Use a pencil to bend the triangle paper and you’re all done! Now you have your origami jester hat.