Origami Basics: Origami Kite Base Instructions

Kite base final step
Difficulty: Easy
This step-by-step guide with clear pictures shows you how to easily fold an origami kite base.

This origami kite base is an easy base to make and it’s pretty obvious where it gets its name from. It looks like a kite, but it doesn’t fly like one, so don’t go and try to fly this. You will look silly.

Step 1
Kite base final step 01
Start with a square sheet of origami paper. I am using an 7×7 inches origami paper.

If you only have regular paper, follow these instructions on how to make a square origami paper.

Step 2
Kite base final step 02
Rotate the paper to make it resemble a diamond.

Step 3
Kite base final step 03
Fold the left corner to the right.

Step 4
Kite base final step 04

Step 5
Kite base final step 05
Now fold the lower right edge to the center.

Step 6
Kite base final step
Now fold the lower left edge to the center to form a kite shape and voila!

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