Origami Basics: Origami Preliminary Base Instructions

Preliminary base final step
Difficulty: Easy
This step-by-step guide with clear pictures shows you how to easily fold an origami preliminary base.

This origami preliminary base is a starting point for many origami models. With this base, you will have 9 points to sculp your model with.

Step 1
Preliminary base step 01
Start with a square sheet of paper of any size. I am using an 7×7 inches paper for demonstration.

If you only have regular paper, follow these instructions on how to make a square origami paper.

Step 2
Preliminary base step 02
Fold the left half to the right.

Step 3
Preliminary base step 03

Step 4
Preliminary base step 04
Now fold the top half down.

Step 5
Preliminary base step 05
Fold the top right corner down.

Step 6
Preliminary base step 06
Turn the paper over horizontally.

Step 7
Preliminary base step 07
Again, fold the top right corner down.

Step 8
Preliminary base step 08
Open the bottom of the traingle.

Step 9
Preliminary base step 09
Lift up the center as shown.

Step 10
Preliminary base step 10
Keep lifting up the center creasing and keep opening until it collapses into a square.

Step 11
Preliminary base step 11
Flatten the fold.

Step 12
Preliminary base final step
Rotate the paper to make it resemble a diamond. Voila!

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