Origami Basics: Origami Sink Fold Instructions

Sink fold final step
Difficulty: Easy
This step-by-step guide with clear pictures shows you how to easily make the origami sink fold.

This origami sink fold example begins with a waterbomb base, which is a triangle with four flaps. What is a sink fold? It’s purpose is to “cut off” or “sink in” a pointy part of the origami.

Step 1
Sink fold step 01
Starting with a waterbomb base here.

Step 2
Sink fold step 02
Fold the tip of the triangle.

Step 3
Sink fold step 03
Unfold the tip.

Step 4
Sink fold step 04
Open up the triangle.

Step 5
Sink fold step 06
Flatten the top so that the whole piece resembles a table

Step 6
Sink fold step 07
Then manipulate the creased sides of the triangle so they can come to the center while sinking in the point at the same time.

Step 7
Sink fold final step
Now you are all done with the sink fold.

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