How to Make an Origami Flower Stem

Stem origami final step
Difficulty: Intermediate
Follow these origami stem instructions to learn how to make a nice base for your flower. Easy step-by-step instructions and helpful images.

This origami stem is basically a generic flower stem that can be used for flowers such as the origami tulip. It consists of a stem with a leaf hanging out to one side. It is not difficult to fold at all and should take no longer than a couple of minutes.

Step 1
Stem origami step 01
Start with a square piece of origami paper. I am using an 4×4 inches origami paper.

If you only have regular paper, follow these instructions on how to make a square origami paper.

Step 2
Stem origami step 02
Rotate the paper diagonally.

Step 3
Stem origami step 03
Fold the left corner to the right corner.

Step 4
Stem origami step 04

Step 5
Stem origami step 05
Fold the upper right edge to the center.

Step 6
Stem origami step 06
Fold the upper left edge to the center.

Step 7
Stem origami step 07
Fold the lower right edge to the center.

Step 8
Stem origami step 08
Fold the lower left edge to the center.

Step 9
Stem origami step 09
Once again, fold the lower right edge to the center.

Step 10
Stem origami step 10
Fold the lower left edge to the center.

Step 11
Stem origami step 11
Flip the model over.

Step 12
Stem origami step 12
Fold the bottom corner to the top corner.

Step 13
Stem origami step 13
Fold the figure in half by folding the left side over to the right.

Step 14
Stem origami step 14
Peel the leaf (on the left side) back.

Step 15
Stem origami final step
Reverse fold the peel. Voila!

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