Origami Sushi Instructions - Page 2

origami sushi instructions step 11origami sushi instructions step 11.1 Step 11: Fold the remaining flaps to the center.
origami sushi instructions step 12origami sushi instructions step 12.1origami sushi instructions step 12.2origami sushi instructions step 12.3origami sushi instructions step 12.4 Step 12: Unfold, then tuck them in to the side corners.
origami sushi instructions step 13origami sushi instructions step 13.1origami sushi instructions step 13.2origami sushi instructions step 13.3origami sushi instructions step 13.4 Step 13: Fold the right corner twice to the left.
origami sushi instructions step 14origami sushi instructions step 14.1origami sushi instructions step 14.2origami sushi instructions step 14.3 Step 14: Repeat the same steps to the left side.
origami sushi instructions step 15origami sushi instructions step 15.1 Step 15: Blow the hole of the sushi, then cut a black strip.
origami sushi instructions step 16origami sushi instructions step 16.1origami sushi instructions step 16-3origami sushi instructions step 16.4 Step 16: Put a glue on the black strip then paste it around the sushi and you’re all done!